The Lovely Lotus
The Lotus, Nelumbo spp., has been one of the most unusual of all aquatic plants to adorn the water garden pool. All of the lotuses are grown at Tricker’s aquatic nursery without chemical pesticides and herbicides. The attractive ‘Bellagio’ Lotus is an extremely hardy lotus that can winter under ice during cold winters. It’s an aggressive grower in the summer months. The ‘Bellagio’ lotuses grow strong wintering tubers for their return in the summer months.
Aroma of the Blossoms: No one can agree as to the perfume description. During tours of Tricker’s historic nursery we often ask our visitors to smell and describe the aroma of the lotus blossom, and their responses are pleasant yet vary. So, the permeating aroma of the lotus blossom remains under the spell of whom experiences it, thus the expression “haunting” or mystical smell of the lotus.
Fertilizer and Planting Containers: Since lotus plants grow aggressively, they require a solid base of growing media. A good topsoil with clay and our aquatic fertilizer such as our Praefecta has been one of the better choices. If your soil is void of clay, then our AMT is recommended. After the lotus begins its spectacular growth, pellet fertilizer such as our Trico Fertilizer is recommended. Large plant containers offer the best room for a healthy plant.
When to Transplant or order the Lotus in your Water Garden Pool? In northern states, if you want to winter the lotus, July is the latest to plant the lotus. When you place an order, we will ship according to the proven schedule. We also send planting instructions that will ensure success.
How to Overwinter your Lotus: The lotus can be an excellent wintering aquatic plant as long as the lotus tubers that formed in late fall are not frozen in the winter. Ensure to lower them to below the frost line. If your area has extreme freezing in the water garden pool, the lotus container should be re-located in a basement and kept moist. You can returned them to your water garden in the early spring. If you winter hardy water lilies in your water garden, then your lotus should be safe to winter there.