Water Lily Characteristics

First, I don’t trust trees. They seem kind of shady.
Difference between Tropical and Hardy Water Lilies: Water lilies are divided into two types, tropical or hardy, depending on their preferred growing conditions. The tropical water lilies prefer warm-to-hot conditions whereas the hardy water lilies grow best in more temperate environments. Because hardies prefer temperate conditions, they grow better in long exposure to sunlight.
Blooming Characteristics: The tropical water lilies come in all colors of the rainbow and are known for blue and purple flowers that are not found in the hardy varieties. The hardies include all other colors of the rainbow.
The tropical water lilies tend to have more blooms than the hardy variety depending of growing conditions.
Fragrance: Tropical water lilies are the most fragrant with a wonderful aroma. Many water gardeners enjoy cut flowers by floating them in a bowl of water indoors on the table.
Many hardy water lilies may produce a slight, characteristic fragrance. They aren’t well known for a strong emanating fragrances. Cut hardy water lily blossoms can still be enjoyed floating in a bowl of water on a table.
How late in the year might the water lilies bloom? Tropical water lilies typically will bloom until the frost arrives in many northern U.S. climates. Tropicals are known for their constant blooms. In such climates, it’s common to see tropical water lilies blooming in October in the right growing conditions.
Hardy water lilies can be transplanted up to the late fall in the northern U.S. climates. The hardy varieties start their dormant period in these areas by late summer. Planting a hardy in the latter part of summer helps to ensure that the next year it’ll be ready for a stimulating growth. Your plant will be ready for a full season of growth.
Pad Mottling Spread: Spread is how far the water lily pads will reach out on the water’s surface. Most water lilies will reach typical spreads across the surface of the pond of 2-3 feet. when planted in one of Tricker’s aquatic large crates. If planted into an extra-large crate, then the water lilies may grow larger. There are special pygmy water lilies that may spread less than 2-3 feet in diameter. These are often selected for tub gardens or for that special place in your water garden pool that needs a water lily in miniature.
The mottling of the pads, with the green pads and darker color, are more pronounced in the tropical water lilies. For example, ‘Leopardess’, a popular tropical water lily, is known for the dark mottling on the pads.
Hardy water lilies may have mottling but not as striking as the tropicals.
Sunlight Requirement: Most water lilies require at least 4-6 hours of sunlight per day. Hardy varieties typically require full sunlight.
Tricker nurseries developed some varieties that can bloom and grow with reduced light such as the tropical water lilies ‘Patricia’, ‘Independence’, ‘Janice’, ‘Blue Bird’, ‘Panama Pacific’ as well as those hybridized by others such as ‘August Koch’ and ‘Dauben’.
The tropical water lilies can produce a multitude of flowers all summer long that stand high above the water!
The hardy variety, typically floating on the surface of the water, will prepare for winter by making a tuber and reduce blooms as fall approaches. Many hardy hybrids produce a wonderful amount of flowers during the year.
Growth Rates: Tropical water lilies will grow rapidly during the summer months depending on growing conditions. Hardy water lilies tend to slow down during very hot summers.
Night-Blooming Water Lilies: Both the tropical and hardy day-blooming water lilies have varieties that close late afternoon and remain closed throughout the night. It’s the tropicals that have night bloomers that open later in the day and close early the next morning (depending upon the intensity of the sun). With the right mixture of water lilies, you’ll enjoy the blossoms before going to work in the morning and as you return home. The flowers appear as a glowing entity in the moonlight. They will not only out grow a hardy water lily, but will also out grow a tropical day blooming water lily.