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2009 On Tricker’s Pond Newsletter
Quiz of Past Newsletters
NEW Water Lily Introduction at Trickers:
Dwarf Parrot Feather! NEW for 2009
Clogging of Pumps a Problem? Simple solution!

2008 On Tricker’s Pond Newsletter
Names of Water Lilies and Collections. What do they mean?
What Makes a “Perfect” Water Garden Pool Pleasing to the Eye?
Aquatic Soil: Like a Fine Wine!
Dwarf Giant Papyrus

2006 On Tricker’s Pond Newsletter
Over 80 Years later, A Return of an Old Friend sitting on the Victoria Pads!
Special Sick Fish, Need Special Care
Dwarf Bamboo: Very Hardy, Spiral Palm, Aquatic Water Poppies
Pressure or Non-Pressure Filter – Which to Choose?
A William Tricker Water Garden Invoice from 1895
What Aquatics are Listed?

2007 On Tricker’s Pond Newsletter
Bob Trickett: Water Lily Contributor during the “Trying Times” of World War II…Reflections of Today?
Rockefeller Center: A Special Water Garden Location?
Global Warming and Algae?
What is a 1930s Style Water Garden Terrarium Stand?
Snowflakes : The BEST of any WATER GARDEN POOL!

2005 On Tricker’s Pond Newsletter
Tropical Water Lilies just Keep on Blooming!
Tub Gardens: Immediate Gratification!
Water Sensitivity Plant, Floating Leaf Flower, Green Taro: An easy to grow plant
Aquatic Snails: The best house keepers of your pond!
Did you ever see a drop of water flow across a Lotus leaf? Researchers noted this!