On Sale Today!
Quality Trio 3 Hardy Water Lilies
The collection includes:
- ‘Gloriosa’, a small compact aquatic plant with glorious red flowers, It has always been said that ‘Gloriosa’ should be the nucleus of your water garden pond because of the glorious red blossoms.
- ‘Pink Opal’ had deep rich pink blossoms of a wonderful shape.
- ‘Charlene Strawn’, a well known yellow lily that is very free flowering.
On Sale Today!
Surprise Collection 3 Hardy Water Lilies
Surprise Collection – 3 Hardy Lilies. A trio of high grade standard varieties direct from our growing ponds! The colors are all different and selected by our staff! You will be indeed pleasantly surprised with the results! A extremely economical collection of hardy water lilies at a reduced price.
On Sale Today!
Thrift Duet Hardy Water Lilies
Our water garden specialists have carefully selected two distinct hybrid varieties known for their robust growth and exquisite flowers. These water lilies will grace your garden year after year, showcasing their stunning foliage and blossoms that are sure to leave a lasting impression.
On Sale Today!
Tricker’s Duet Hardy Water Lilies
You will receive one of each of the following:
- ‘Marliac White’ with sparkling pure white blossoms flowering thoughout the season and
- ‘Gloriosa’, a small compact plant with glorious red flowers. It has always been said that this water lily should be the nucleus of all water garden pools.
Now you can have two wonderful water lilies at a reduced price!
On Sale Today!
Crown Jewel Collection of 3 Hardy Water Lilies
This brilliant collection includes one (1) of each:
- ‘Marliac Rose’, a majestic deep pink flower to rival the colors of a ruby,
- ‘Marliac White’ that glistens with the brilliant white of a flawless diamond, and
- ‘Charlene Strawn’, an illustrious golden sparkling yellow blossoms that resemble a lemon yellow sapphire.
On Sale Today!
Ohio State University Duet Hardy Water Lilies
You will receive one of each:
‘Attraction’ water lily with exciting red blossoms, and is one of the largest red hardies.
‘Hal Miller’ water lily with spectacular pure white blossoms that resemble a football mum. -
On Sale Today!
Gorgeous Garden Collection of 5 Hardy Water Lilies
Includes hardy water lilies in each of the following colors:
- White with sparkling white blooms that flower through the entire season
- Red, a plant with glorious red blossoms
- Changeable, a unique flower that opens one color then changes to another
- Yellow, bright yellow blossoms that open earlier than most other hardy water lilies
- A pink hardy water lily to complete the rainbow of colors.
3 Hardy or 3 Tropical Water Lilies Plus 16 Aquatic Plants! Collection A-1
Includes the following:
Either Tropical Water Lilies, one each:
- ‘Pink Pearl’ a tropical day bloomer with pink flowers
- ‘Blue Beauty’ a tropical day bloomer with blue flower
- ‘Sir Galahad’ a white tropical night bloomer
Hardy Water Lilies, 1 each:
- ‘Gloriosa’ with red flowers
- ‘Pink Opal’ with pink flowers
- ‘Chromatella’ with yellow flowers
Other Aquatic Plants. One (1) each of the following:
- Papyrus
- Imperial Taro
- Umbrella Palm
- Blue Iris
- Yellow Iris
- Snowflake
- Water Forget-me-not
- Water Lettuce
- Neptunes Crown
- Dwarf Red Stem Parrot Feather.
And, 6 Underwater Oxygenators, Two (2) of each:
- Rotala
- Green Hygro
- Anacharis