2013 On Tricker’s Pond Newsletter
Want a Water Lily That Is Just Spectacular?
Night Bloomers for 24 hrs of Blooms!
Baby Goldfish? Yellow Goldfish?
Limited Time Sale
Tricker’s Floating Fish Food Pellets, all Natural & nonGMO
50% off. Use code: fishfood
Offer ends 3/31/2025
Early in the year, Tricker’s would postal mail a newsletter with interesting information about their history, visitors to the Water Gardens, and plenty of how-to’s so that you can design and maintain a spectacular water garden. It also includes discount codes for your water garden and outdoor decor. The newsletters are archived here for you to read and enjoy.
Want a Water Lily That Is Just Spectacular?
Night Bloomers for 24 hrs of Blooms!
Baby Goldfish? Yellow Goldfish?
About Blue Beauty
What’s in a Name?
Water Lilies: New Varieties from OLD!
Snowflakes, Oxygenators, Night Bloomers
Yellow Goldfish? Rare and Exciting
Earliest Spring Blooming Aquatics
Spring is Coming … Pond Care
The Sacred Lotus
A Special Visitor to Tricker’s.
Unique Peach Colors in Water Lilies
Aquatic Rainbow Plant.
1928 Tub Water Garden Drawing
Spring is Coming! What should be done NOW?
Keep those Large Water Lily Blossoms Coming!
Quiz of Past Newsletters
NEW Water Lily Introduction at Trickers:
Dwarf Parrot Feather! NEW for 2009
Clogging of Pumps a Problem? Simple solution!
Names of Water Lilies and Collections. What do they mean?
What Makes a “Perfect” Water Garden Pool Pleasing to the Eye?
Aquatic Soil: Like a Fine Wine!
Dwarf Giant Papyrus
Bob Trickett: Water Lily Contributor during the “Trying Times” of World War II…Reflections of Today?
Rockefeller Center: A Special Water Garden Location?
Global Warming and Algae?
What is a 1930s Style Water Garden Terrarium Stand?
Snowflakes : The BEST of any WATER GARDEN POOL!
Over 80 Years later, A Return of an Old Friend sitting on the Victoria Pads!
Special Sick Fish, Need Special Care
Dwarf Bamboo: Very Hardy, Spiral Palm, Aquatic Water Poppies
Pressure or Non-Pressure Filter – Which to Choose?
A William Tricker Water Garden Invoice from 1895
What Aquatics are Listed?
Tropical Water Lilies just Keep on Blooming!
Tub Gardens: Immediate Gratification!
Water Sensitivity Plant, Floating Leaf Flower, Green Taro: An easy to grow plant
Aquatic Snails: The best house keepers of your pond!
Did you ever see a drop of water flow across a Lotus leaf? Researchers noted this!
Do you have the site and sound of moving water in YOUR water garden pool?
Problems with GREEN water?
Water Snowflakes, The Variegated Water Clover: An Amphibious Fern!, New Pickerel Rush
Should I add “SALT” to the Water Garden Pool?
Save a Tree- grow Papyrus!
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