• White hardy water lily On Sale Today! 'Marliac Rose' Hardy Water Lily

    Crown Jewel Collection of 3 Hardy Water Lilies

    This brilliant collection includes one (1) of each:

    1. ‘Marliac Rose’, a majestic deep pink flower to rival the colors of a ruby,
    2. ‘Marliac White’ that glistens with the brilliant white of a flawless diamond, and
    3. ‘Charlene Strawn’, an illustrious golden sparkling yellow blossoms that resemble a lemon yellow sapphire.
  • Night and Day Trio Of Water Lilies'Yellow Dazzler' Tropical Water Lily

    Night and Day Trio Of Water Lilies

    Enjoy your water garden day and night with this delightful trio. The plants include both day- and night-bloomers for 24 hours of flowers.

    Includes one of each:

    1. A ‘Yellow Dazzler’ Water Lily
    2. A red ‘Emily Grant Hutchings’ Water Lily and
    3. The popular ‘Blue Beauty’ Water Lily

  • Lotus flowers in lotus pond On Sale Today!

    Pastel Shades of Beauty, 3 Water Lilies


    1. ‘August Koch’, a lavender-blue tropical water lily with deliciously fragrant.
    2. ‘Pink Platter’, a tropical water lily with large delicate pink flowers and rich green lily pads.
    3. ‘Sunrise’, a hardy water lily with pale yellow blossoms that open early in the morning, hence its name.
  • Ohio State University Duet Hardy Water Lilies On Sale Today!

    Ohio State University Duet Hardy Water Lilies

    You will receive one of each:
    ‘Attraction’ water lily with exciting red blossoms, and is one of the largest red hardies.
    ‘Hal Miller’ water lily with spectacular pure white blossoms that resemble a football mum.

  • Water lilies blooming all over the pond On Sale Today!

    Gems of Color 3 Water Lilies

    “Gems of Color” includes three (3) water lilies the color of gems. These are at a reduced cost over the individual prices.

    This cost savings collection includes one of each:

    1. Charlene Strawn is a hardy water lily with bright yellow flowers.
    2. Pink Opal is also a hardy water lily with opal pink blossoms.
    3. Blue Beauty is a tropical water lily with sapphire blue blossoms.
  • Blue Water lily blooming in a pond On Sale Today!

    Blue, Blue & Purple Pygmy Tropical Water Lilies

    Immerse yourself in the calming hues ranging from mesmerizing blues to captivating purples, creating a serene ambiance as you admire your very own water lily pond. These remarkable specimens thrive effortlessly in both vibrant and gentle lighting conditions, ensuring a delightful addition to any pool.

    One of each is included.

    1. ‘Dauben’ tropical pygmy water lily.
    2. ‘Colorata’ tropical pygmy water lily.
    3. ‘Royal Purple’ tropical pygmy water lily.
  • "Double Lotus Surprise" Collection On Sale Today!

    “Double Lotus Surprise” Collection

    This elegant “Double Lotus Surprise” Collection includes the ‘Bellagio’ hardy lotus and another wonderful surprise lotus selected by our staff.

  • White Water Lilies in a Pond On Sale Today! Red Water Lily for Slider

    Gorgeous Garden Collection of 5 Hardy Water Lilies

    Includes hardy water lilies in each of the following colors:

    1. White with sparkling white blooms that flower through the entire season
    2. Red, a plant with glorious red blossoms
    3. Changeable, a unique flower that opens one color then changes to another
    4. Yellow, bright yellow blossoms that open earlier than most other hardy water lilies
    5. A pink hardy water lily to complete the rainbow of colors.
  • Moonlight Pair - 2 Tropical Water Lilies On Sale Today!

    June Water Garden Collection Special

    Embrace the enchantment of June with our exclusive collection featuring a captivating collection of a water lily, shallow-water plants and an oxygenating aquatic plant.

    This quaint collection includes the following chosen by our experienced staff:

    • One (1) beautiful night blooming hybrid Tropical Lily. Blooms from dusk to dawn.
    • Two (2) Shallow Water Plants for a captivating sight.
    • One (1) Oxygenating Plant
  • New York, New Jersey, Michigan Duet On Sale Today! New York, New Jersey, Michigan Duet

    “New York-New Jersey Quartet” of Water Lilies

    This collection of 4 lilies has color, fragrance and beauty beyond compare.

    Includes one of each:

    1. ‘Comanche’, a hardy water lily with unique flowers that open apricot and change to bronze.
    2. ‘Mrs. Edwards Whitaker’, a tropical, lovely blue water lily with extremely large flowers and fragrance
    3. ‘Sir Galahad’, a tropical and most distinct night blooming lily with beautiful white flowers.
    4. ‘Gloriosa’, a hardy, small compact water lily with glorious red flowers, It has always been recommended that ‘Gloriosa’ should be the nucleus of all water garden pool collections.

  • Garden pond from old Danish country garden at summertime.Complete Aquatic Collection A-3

    Complete Aquatic Plant Collection A-3

    Complete Aquatic Collection A-3 for a water garden pond about 10′ x 12′ – 15′. This collection includes some of the finest water lilies and you can choose either tropicals or hardies.

    Water Lilies: The finest selection of 5 Tropical Water Lilies are as follows:

    • ‘Blue Beauty’ with beautiful blue flowers
    • ‘Trail Blazer’ with dazzling yellow flowers
    • ‘Director Moore’ with perfect purple flowers
    • ‘Emily Grant Hutchings’ a night bloomer with red flowers and
    • ‘Alice Tricker’ with pure white flowers

    OR the excellent selection of 5 Hardy Water Lilies:

    • ‘Gloriosa’ with glorious red flowers
    • ‘Marliac White’ with pure white flowers
    • ‘Comanche’ with changing blossoms from apricot to yellow
    • ‘Rose Arey’ with showy pink flowers and
    • ‘Chromatella’ with brillyyellow flowers

    Aquatic Plants: you will also receive 36 aquatic plants that includes

    • 18 shallow water plants,
    • 12 oxygenators and
    • 6 floating plants

    All will bring beauty to your water garden pool.

  • Water Lilies in a Pond with Marginal Plants

    Complete Aquatic Plant Collection A-2

    Complete Aquatic Collection A-2. This complete collection is recommended for pools 8 x 9 feet rectangular or 10 feet round.

    Water Lilies: You will receive either
    4 Tropical Water Lilies: ‘Director Moore’ (purple flowers, A), ‘Sir Galahad’ (white flowers and a night bloomer, D), ‘Albert Greenburg’ (variety of colors of flowers, from pink to yellow, B), ‘Emily Grant Hutchings’ (red flowered night bloomer, C)


    4 Hardy Water Lilies: ‘Gloriosa’ (glorious red flowers, E), ‘Comanche’ (changeable flowers from apricot to yellow, G), ‘Hal Miller’ (pure white flowers, F) and ‘Lustrous’ (pink flowers, H).

    Plus Aquatic Plants: 16 aquatic plants consisting of one each of Papyrus, Imperial Taro, Umbrella Palm, Blue Iris, Yellow Iris, Snowflake, Water Forget-me-not, Water Lettuce, Neptunes Crown and Dwarf Red Stem Parrot Feather. Two each of oxygenators: Rotala, Hornwort and Anacharis.

  • Sapphire Collection: Blue & Pink Water Lilies On Sale Today!

    Sapphire Collection: Blue & Pink Water Lilies

    You’ll receive one ‘Blue Sapphire’ water lily and one ‘Pink Sapphire’ water lily. These wonderful colors will add a spectacular color combination in your water garden at a reduced collection price.

  • 1925 Roaring Twenties Tropical Water Lilies Collection of 3 On Sale Today!

    1925 Roaring Twenties Tropical Water Lilies Collection of 3

    Back in the early days of water gardening, tropical water lilies were chosen not just for their stunning looks, but also for their delightful scent. To enjoy their fragrance inside your home, simply cut the water lily flowers and put them in a small water-filled container.

    Includes one each:

    1. ‘Panama-Pacific’, a reddish-purple flower,
    2. ‘Mrs. Edwards Whitaker’, a lavender-blue flowers, and
    3. ‘Alice Tricker’ with white blossoms.

  • White and red nymphaea or water lily flowers and green leafs in water of garden pond On Sale Today!

    Trio 24 hours of Blooms Water Lilies

    Enjoy a full day of blooming with this unique collection of 3 water lilies. These flowers offer an exceptional cost savings opportunity and bloom nearly every hour of the day. After a long day at work, return home to your beautiful water garden and appreciate the constant display of blooms.

    Included: One each of the following:

    1. ‘Sunrise’, a hardy with bright yellow blossoms, that open early in the day
    2. ‘Mrs. Martin Randig’, a tropical water lily with dark purple blossoms that are delightfully fragrant
    3. ‘Red Flare’, a tropical night bloomer that deep sunset red colors with mahogany leaves.

  • Blue Ribbon Special 5 Tropical Water Lilies
    On Sale Today!

    Blue Ribbon Special 5 Tropical Water Lilies

    Tricker’s Blue Ribbon Water Lilies are five tropical water lilies grown in our historic greenhouses. The water lilies are some of the favorites of our customers because of their beauty, color, ease of growth, and fragrance.

    Includes one of each:

    1. ‘Blue Beauty’ Water Lily, a Tricker hybrid with large blue flowers with speckled leaves
    2. ‘Pink Platter’ Water Lily, a large, flat violet-pink flowers with vivid green leaves
    3. The popular ‘Alice Tricker’, a Tricker hybrid with lovely white flowers and mottled leaves
    4. ‘Director Moore’ with glowing purple flowers and slightly mottled leaves
    5. ‘Trail Blazer’ Water Lily with light yellow blossoms, pale green leaves, and deeper yellow stamens

  • Water Garden Water Lily Pond with Fragrant Bouquet Collection of 3 Tropical Water Lilies

    Fragrant Bouquet Collection of 3 Tropical Water Lilies

    These tropical water lilies are famous for their multitude of blossoms and delightful fragrance. They will give you a water garden with an abundance of aromatic flowers to make a bouquet. Even if you cannot walk through Tricker’s greenhouse to smell the aromas of thousands of tropical water lilies, you will receive some of our better aromatic tropical water lilies.

    Includes one of each:

    1. ‘Pamela’ Water Lily is an attractive blue Tricker Hybrid
    2. Our popular ‘Alice Tricker’ which is a wonderful pure white flowered Tricker Hybrid
    3. ‘General Pershing’ Water Lily, a popular deep pink Tricker hybrid

  • A pond with decorative green leaves in the park. On Sale Today!

    Grande Collection of 7 Water Lilies

    This collection is a sight that will leave any water garden or water lily enthusiast in awe! It features some of the absolute best water lilies, making it a must-have for any water gardener. With this exceptional cost savings collection, you’ll receive true hybrids that have graced water gardens with their beauty, charm, and fragrance for decades.

    1. Attraction‘ (Hardy, garnet red blossoms, one of the largest red hardies).
    2. Comanche‘ (Hardy, unique flowers that open apricot, changing to bronze).
    3. Marliac Flesh‘ (Hardy, soft pink flowers that bloom continuously throughout the season).
    4. Charlene Strawn‘ (Hardy, one of the best known yellow flowered water lily, a profuse bloomer).
    5. Missouri‘ (Tropical Night Bloomer, largest, most beautiful white night bloomer).
    6. Director Moore‘ (Tropical, glowing purple flowers with lightly mottled leaves).
    7. Persian Liliac‘ (Tropical, a lovely blend of pink-lilac colored flowers).
  • Red and White Water Lilies in Pond On Sale Today!

    Rainbow Collection of 5 Water Lilies

    Included one of each:

    1. ‘Marliac Flesh’, a hardy water lily with soft pink flowers that may bloom continuously all season.
    2. ‘Gloriosa’, a hardy, small compact plant, with glorious red blossoms.
    3. ‘Paul Hariot’ a hardy water lily with yellow blossoms that will change to pink-orange.
    4. ‘Charlene Strawn’, a a wonderful yellow hardy water lily that is free blooming.
    5. ‘Blue Beauty’, a tropical water lily with large blue flowers with speckled leaves.

  • Mottled Trio Leaf Collection - 3 Tropical Water Lilies Purple in Pond On Sale Today!

    Mottled Trio Leaf Collection – 3 Tropical Water Lilies

    The “Mottled Trio Leaf Collection” has water lilies with mottled pads. This special priced collection includes the deepest-colored water lilies with mottled leaves.

    Includes one of each of the following:

    1. ‘Leopardess’ with exquisite blue flowers
    2. ‘Janice’ with pure white flowers, and
    3. ‘Pink Perfection’, with attractive pink flowers.