Kill Mosquitoes with Mosquito Dunks® or Bits®

These are a biological safe method that kills mosquito larvae in your water garden pool, rain barrels, bird baths, or anywhere water collects for a period of time.? They are safe to use if you have Daphnia .

For longer residual control use Mosquito Dunks®.

Where should Mosquito Dunks® be used? Just float a biodegradable Mosquito Dunk® in water troughs, koi ponds, birdbaths, rain barrels or any place where water collectsand remains for periods of time. When female mosquitoes laytheir eggs in standing water treated with a Mosquito Dunk®, thelarvae will hatch and begin to eat the B.t.i. The B.t.i. will kill themosquito larvae before they can grow up to become biting anddisease-spreading adults.

This is approved for Organic Production and Gardening.

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It kills the mosquitoes that may transmit West Nile Virus, Encephalitis, Dengue Hemorhagic Fever, and Malaria. There are two forms of this biological mosquito control – Mosquito Dunks® or Mosquito Bits®.

Float the dunk on the surface of the water. One dunk is effective for 100 sq ft surface for a month. Tricker’s has tested for other organisms in the pond and have found that Daphnia is safe.

Mosquito Bits® are granulated and are simply spread over the surface of the water. This will settle in the water and be eaten by mosquito larvae. The Bits® give a quick kill within 24 hours. Sprinkle one teaspoon per 75 square feet . Apply every 7-14 day intervals.

As the Dunks® slowly dissolves, it releases a bacterium which is toxic to all species of mosquito larvae. Mosquito Bits® are a granule that contains the same active ingredient found in the Dunks®, but unlike the Dunks® the Bits® release the larvicide immediately. The active ingredient in Mosquito Dunks® is Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis which is a bacterium that is deadly to mosquito larvae and harmless to other living organisms.


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