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Black Moors are communal and should have others with whom they group. They swim together in small shoals of 4-6 and will engage in communal feeding, group swimming, and sharing resources. Black Moors can also live with other Telescope Goldfish such as Red and Panda Telescopes.

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This beautiful orange fish, with peculiar eyes that gaze heavenward, deserves its name, “Celestial”. This goldfish has no dorsal fin. It’s an attractive and unusual fish.

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The Calico Oranda Goldfish has a beautiful round face with very nice coloring. The thick growth over the gill plates resemble a large raspberry. It is similar to a lionhead goldfish with a dorsal fin and a superb large tail fin. These 2″ aquarium fish are an attractive site when swimming in the aquarium.

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The highest quality Koi that we have to offer, Premium Select Koi are hand picked from our one-year old crops and then given another year to grow. Our Premium Select Koi are some of the best American bred Koi on the market.
Great for your veteran Koi hobbyist who requires the best koi in the industry. Available from 4 to 5 inches and up.

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Calico Fantails are similar to the Calico Shubunkins or the Autumn Brocade Fish but have a divided tail giving them the name, Calico Fantails. Just like the Autumn Brocade Fish, the name reflects the fishes brocade pattern of glorious colors are like the beautiful autumn foliage, and even more varied. Blue is the predominating color, with mottled effects in red, gold, black, brown, lavender and white. Their active movement displays these colorings. The divided tail fin makes this fish a wonderful sight as it swims within the water garden pool. These fish make any water garden pool a most attractive sight.

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Mystery Snails, freshwater snails, are desired because they are easy to care for and have a quiet temperament. They come in an array of colors to brighten up your tank.
They consume algae and left over fish food that can foul a water garden pool or aquarium making them a good cleaner.
Their attractive appearance resembles the common “trapdoor snail” in size and appearance. The cute pink eggs are laid above the water’s surface on plants or grass. They are not hermaphroditic so you don’t have to be concerned about them reproducing beyond control.