“Dainty Duo” Hardy Collection: Aurora and Yellow Pygmy
Discover the exceptional “Dainty Duo Collection” of durable water lilies, an affordable selection that includes two popular hardy pygmy water lilies, specifically ‘Aurora’ and ‘Yellow Pygmy’.
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Discover the exceptional “Dainty Duo Collection” of durable water lilies, an affordable selection that includes two popular hardy pygmy water lilies, specifically ‘Aurora’ and ‘Yellow Pygmy’.
The ‘Yellow Pygmy’ water lily is small hardy lily ideal for a tub garden. The star-shaped flowers are one to two inches across and are a rich golden yellow.
Its pads are delightfully mottled with chocolate. The entire spread is often less than a foot when planted into a smaller container.
The image of the ‘Yellow Pygmy’ shows small flowers above the small mottled pads that makes this a most unusual plant and a true accomplishment of the genius of the hybridizer M. Marliac.
This ‘Paul Harriot’ water lily is a good bloomer and holds the cup shaped flowers high above the water surface. They are fragrant and as cut flowers are long lasting quality. Being moderate in growth, the plant is well suited for tub gardens and small ponds.
The blossoms of this ‘Sioux’ Water Lily open to a delicate chrome-yellow color that change to a deep-orange and then to copper-red.
The water lily pads are rich green with blotches.
It will bloom from mid-summer to early fall depending on growing conditions.
The ‘Sioux’ water lily is small and ideal for tub gardens to medium ponds.
The ‘Aurora’ flowers go through an incredible transformation of colors. When they first bloom, they display a beautiful creamy yellow hue. The following day, they transition into a vibrant shade of orange. And as they reach their full bloom, they gracefully transform into a mesmerizing mix of red shades.
Discover the extraordinary beauty of the pygmy ‘Andreana’ hardy, adorned with its exquisite cup-shaped brick-red flowers.
This ‘Burgundy Princess’ is a hardy pygmy water lily with one of the deepest and richest red colors. It’s compact and has dark red petals all summer.
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