
The ‘Water Hyacinth’ has shiny dark green leaves with stems that expand into pseudo bulbs to serve as air chambers. They propagate from the runners at the water’s surface. Your pond fish will love to spawn on the long bushy roots.
You will see many soft rosey-lilac flowers in the compact growth. It flowers more frequently if the roots are touching soil.

Enhance the fortune of your pond or aquarium with the auspicious Lucky Floating Buddha (Hygroryza aristata). This remarkable plant gracefully floats on buoyant bulbs, creating a captivating sight. Its leaves adorn themselves with enchanting deep purple spots, while its delicate feather roots emerge from the bulbs, contributing to the purification of the water.

The Floating Leaf Flower is an interesting free floating perennial aquatic plant that has beautiful red-green colors. The small floating leaves appear as clay roofing tiles with reddish margins. It has rare reddish dangling roots. As it floats in your water garden pool it will absorb nutrients from the water.

‘Neptune’s Crown’ is a wonderful floating plant that will grow across your water garden pond. The plant will develop beautiful maroon floating bulbs similar to the floating water hyacinth that are striking against the green foliage and produces dainty white flowers.
This aquatic plant helps to reduce algae in your pond as it makes a most attractive display in your water garden.

The Water Sensitivity Plant reacts to touch by closing its leaves, thanks to its unique flotation system made of bulbous material. Its bright yellow feathery flower adds beauty to the water, making it a captivating addition to any water garden pool. Your guests will surely be amazed when they interact with this extraordinary aquatic plant.

The ‘Botswana Wonder’ is a stunning aquatic plant that thrives on the water’s surface and is adorned with vibrant yellow pea-like flowers. When you gently touch its leaves, they will gracefully close before reopening shortly after.
The leaves will rise a few inches above the water’s surface.
Botanical Name: Aeschynomene fluitans
Hybridized By: Walter Pagels, world aquatic plant expert and good friend of the Tricker company introduced this plant to the historic aquatic nursery.

‘Salvinia’ floating plants are annuals, generally a pale green color with slender stems bearing broad two-ranked leaves and are covered with fine silky hairs which make them soft to touch.
Add this to your water garden pond for a softer feel.

Simplify your decision-making process when it comes to floating and oxygenating plants with our exceptional Economical Floating and Oxygenating Collection. Our dedicated aquatic staff has meticulously assembled four collections, each featuring a diverse selection of top-notch plants, all at reduced costs.

Azolla, also known as fairy moss, is a captivating floating fern plant with delicate scale-shaped leaves. It forms a lush, velvety carpet on the water’s surface, displaying a mesmerizing bluish-green hue or a vibrant crimson foliage during autumn. One fascinating aspect of Azolla is its symbiotic relationship with algae, which provides the plant with nitrogen from the atmosphere as nourishment. As the sunlight diminishes or when there is a slight nutrient deficiency, Azolla takes on a reddish color. Additionally, this remarkable plant acts as a natural deterrent for mosquitoes, as it covers the water’s surface, making it an unfavorable breeding ground for these pests. Thriving on the nutrients present in the water, Azolla showcases its adaptability and resilience.
Price is per portion. A portion is about 3/4 cup plant including water.

‘Water Lettuce’, also known ‘Shell Flower’, floats while absorbing nutrients from the air and water. The shell-like rosettes of pulpy and hairy leaves have a spiral look. The long white feathery roots dangle in the water providing a safe place for spawning fish.

Here is a option to add FIVE varieties at a reduced price over the individual prices. The floating plants are selected for beauty and variety in your water garden pool.

This ‘Ruffled Water Lettuce’ will add a fun texture to your water garden. Many of these floating plants can help to reduce algal blooms by blocking sunlight. This is not edible.

Hey! Did you know that Duckweed and Azolla can help to control climate change?
See below add-to-cart to find out how and do your part to help save the planet.
Duckweed is a small perennial plant known as the smallest flowering plant. Among the floating plants, duckweed is one of the better live plants for your goldfish or koi. It acts as a fish tonic and helps to keep the harmful sun’s UV light out of the waters protecting your aquatic lifeforms.

This ‘Floating Fern’ floats on the surface of the water with a dense rosette of leaves. The leaves have a wavy margin and are egg-shaped to triangular and can have 3 to 5 lobes.
The plants are easily propagated because they form plantlets on many of the leaves. The feathery roots hang down 8 or 9 inches into the water and provide a spawning medium for fish and a place for the fry to hide.

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This ‘Variegated Water Lettuce’ is a most unusual plant that resembles the water lettuce but has streaks of creamy yellow in the leaves and the leaves are more erratic. The variegation stronger in subdued light. This will make an unusual sight floating in the water garden pool.

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The ‘Large Salvinia’ is an interesting plant which floats on the surface of the water and is larger in size than the sister Salviniae.
This aquatic plant has dainty root-like growth that dangles in the water creating a protective fish spawning area.
Each segment grows about 3/4″ long and remains in clusters adding a wonderful colorful addition to any pool.
This bog plant is an excellent grower. It’ll add a special look to the water garden pool.